When I think of a high-powered woman, I picture someone sitting behind an imposing desk issuing orders left and right with hordes of people at her command. And that’s not me. But as I considered the amount of power I wield, I’ve discovered that I am, indeed, a powerful woman.
To me, the secret to being a high-powered woman is to recognize that true power comes from on High. I’ve surrendered my life to God. He is my power source. The greatest example of a high-powered woman would be one who used all her resources to serve. Jesus was the greatest servant of all, and our example. Christ said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth” (Matthew 28:18), yet before He was crucified, he took a towel and washed His disciples’ dirty feet.
The apostle Paul speaks in the fourth chapter of Philippians about attitude. He encourages the church at Philippi that, through Christ, they can do all things. I believe God wants us to have that same outlook. When Paul penned letters to the Philippian church, he wrote from a prison cell, but he knew that his purpose for that place and time required that he encourage and instruct the Church. His words have been read down through the ages by countless numbers of people.
When I first began writing, I never would have imagined I’d meet people from all over the world. I may not be behind a desk directing thousands of people. God had a different plan for my life, but I know He will empower me to fulfill that plan if I allow Him to direct me in all I do. God has put many things on my plate, and I juggle to accomplish all I want to do. I pray every day for wisdom, and I know I’m not alone in my prayers. Men and women, you face many challenges daily, too, but no matter what lies before you, God can and will help you if you ask Him. Join me in being a High-powered person.
Website: http://www.donnajshepherd.com
Devotionals: http://www.devotionalsbydonna.com
Children's Writing: http://www.topsyturvyland.com
Donna gets her power from the most high God. She's a great woman, and dear friend!
- Kevin
I am nothing without Christ! "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" Genesis 18:14.
Even someone as all together as Donna needs His Power! I must say, she has a strong, clear connection too. Prayer does that.
"Morning Dew" bible study http://asadeer.blogspot.com
Donna Shepherd is a beautiful and wonderful woman. I can imagine you have an excellent sense of discernment to choose her for this blog. It's a perfect fit.
Well said, Donna. At one time I was powerless. My life was collapsing and I wasn't sure I wanted to go on. Then I turned to Christ and asked for his help. My whole life has changed and me with it. I too am a powerful woman thanks to Him.
Like Donna, I'm humbled by the fact God would choose to put His power, the Spirit of His Son, in me--simply because I trusted in Jesus. Imagine, the Creator of the Universe is living through my life and personality! And it can happen to anyone who believes in Him. No wonder Paul used the root word for dynamite to express the Gospel's power.
Yep, that makes Donna "high-powered," all right.
I guess what Donna is saying is that she is a high-powered woman because of the Higher Power Who works in and through her for His glory. I'm glad she's in touch with her Source and that she is open to sharing her dependency upon that Source.
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